The relief sought for in the present writ petition is to forbear the respondents, their subordinates from in any manner interfering with the petitioner’s lawful business of MRUTHASANJEVANI Ayurvedic Therapy Centre at No.501, ECR Road near Sub City Bommaiyarpalayam, Villupuram District by the petitioner.
2.The petitioner states that she had completed course in Ayurvedic Health Care Practices and Panchakarma Therapy Course. She had established MRUTHASANJEVANI Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy and Research Centre at No.501, ECR Road, Bommayarpalayam.
3.The grievances of the writ petitioner is that the respondent Police authorities are frequently interfering with the lawful business activities causing disturbances which resulted in prejudice to the business activities.
9.In view of the fact that a common circular needs to be issued in this regard to the Police authorities across the State of Tamil Nadu, this Court is inclined to implead suo motu the Director General of Police, Mylapore, Chennai-4. The Additional Government Pleader takes notice for the impleaded respondent.
10.As far as the Chennai city is concerned, the Chennai Corporation has already issued a notification declaring the Spa and Massage centres as the public places and issued directives to install CCTV cameras in all such public places in order to ensure safety and security as well as to prevent any illegal activities. Similar declarations are to be made by the Corporations and Municipalities across the State of Tamil Nadu.
Directions as to install cctv cameras
11.In view of the facts and circumstances, the following orders are issued:
1) The respondents are directed to issue appropriate orders to all the Spa and Massage centers, Therapy centers etc., across the State of Tamil Nadu to install CCTV cameras which must be functional in all circumstances.
2) Appropriate directions are to be issued to ensure that these Spa, Massage centers, Therapy centers etc., are conducting their business activities in a transparent manner and avoid secluded or closed rooms paving way for illegal activities.
3) In the event of any reasonable suspicion, information or complaint, the Police authorities are directed to initiate all appropriate actions in the manner known to law.
12.With these directions, the Writ Petition stands disposed of. No costs. Consequently, connected miscellaneous petition is closed.
PARTY: – C.P.Girija vs. 1.The Superintendent of Police Villupuram District, Villupuram – W.P.No.37089 of 2015 and M.P.No.1 of 2015 – 20.12.2021 – CORAM: THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE S.M.SUBRAMANIAM.
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