Closure report & section 319 Cr.P.C: Accused dropped in the closure report is not a bar to summon them under section 319 Cr.P.C
This case involve two petitioners who were summoned by the Trial court…
Closure report & PMLA: Closure report filed in predicate offence deserves to be challenged to continue proceedings under PMLA hence though the ED is neither aggrieved person nor victim it may approach the High Court as ED is connected to the issue
**Brief Facts of the Case** Information regarding the sale proceeds of lottery…
Final report: Section 190(1)(b) Cr.P.C: Magistrate is empowered to take cognizance even on the closure report (final report) filed and may issue process to the accused
Final report: Section 190(1)(b) Cr.P.C: Magistrate is empowered to take cognizance even…