Supreme court clarified the celebrated Uma devi judgment. State of Karnataka vs. Umadevi (2006 (4) SCC 1). (hereinafter umadevi judgment)
“…Right to employment, if it is a part of right to life,…
Parents visiting right is modified keeping the child’s well-being and health
The Supreme Court judgment revolves around a custody dispute between Sugirtha and…
Supreme Court Mandates Immediate Redistribution of Surplus Land in Landmark Judgment
Supreme Court Mandates Immediate Redistribution of Surplus Land in Landmark Judgment.
Supreme Court Invalidates State Government’s Scheduled Caste Notification, Upholding Constitutional Authority
The case of Union of India vs. Rohit Nandan revolves around the…
Supreme Court Overturns High Court’s Decision in Mumbai Eviction Case and directed to proceed with the principles of natural justice
The Supreme Court of India ruled in favor of the Municipal Corporation…
Writ: Miscellaneous Applications Not Entertained after disposal of a main writ petition
Miscellaneous Applications Not Entertained after disposal of a main writ petition.