Subject Study
- Murder case: Acquittal: Though homicidal death is not disputed accused has successfully disproved the Extra-judicial confession through defence witness
- Murder case: Reduction of sentence using the confession of the accused in favour of her
- NDPS Act: Confession to the police officer is not admissible and hit under section 25 Evidence Act
- A must have judgment: How to appreciate Confession & circumstantial evidence?
- Section 24 Evidence Act: All about extra judicial confession
- Section 24 Evidence Act: How to approach extra-judicial confession?
- In NPDS cases confession is hit under section 25 Indian Evidence Act
- section 30 IEA: Co-accused confession can be considered if the accused are tried jointly
- Confession recorded in the language unknown to the accused not improper if properly took down
- Dying declaration: section 32 – Whether dying declaration can be treated as statement or confession if maker survives? Yes.